watch the videos on process safety and discuss the following questions. The Danger of Popcorn Polymer: Incident at the TPC

watch the videos on process safety and discuss the following questions. The Danger of Popcorn Polymer: Incident at the TPC Group Chemical Plant runaway-explosion-at-t2-laboratories/ 1. What are some of the potential hazards associated with the given examples? 2. Explain Runaway reactions- Give an example of a thermal runaway reaction 3. What information (safety parameters) do […]

50 points Name: _______________________________ ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY RUBRIC Objective: A

50 points Name: _______________________________ ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY RUBRIC Objective: A preliminary annotative bibliography containing a variety of sources must be completed prior to the first rough draft in order to check your progress. Your preliminary annotative bibliography must contain five sources, two of which could be from scholarly journals. The bibliography must also follow proper MLA […]

Assignment #2-Poetry Analysis   Rough Draft Due:  

Assignment #2-Poetry Analysis   Rough Draft Due:   Final Draft Due:   No Plagiarism. No AI detection. WORDS: 750 FORMAT: MLA Description of Assignment: A literary analysis essay pulls apart a piece of writing to examine its technique and understand its themes and ideas. For this assignment, you will choose one selection of two poems […]