PUB 650 NYU Week 4 Patient Protection and Affordable Act Bill Presentation

IMPORTANT NOTE REGARDING WORD LIMIT REQUIREMENTS: Please note that each and every assignment has its own word limit. The Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (most often referred to as the Affordable Care Act or ACA) is the largest piece of federal health legislation of the last 50 years in the United States and has […]

GU Affordable Care Act by the President Barack Obama Discussion Paper

Part 1 4-5 pages. APA. References. The Affordable Care Act: Variability by State The costs of implementing provisions called for under the PPACA, and the benefits from the legislation, vary from one state to another. The degree to which your health care organization must adhere to guidelines of the ACA may affect the extent of […]

GU Affordable Care Act by the President Barack Obama Discussion Paper

Part 1 4-5 pages. APA. References. The Affordable Care Act: Variability by State The costs of implementing provisions called for under the PPACA, and the benefits from the legislation, vary from one state to another. The degree to which your health care organization must adhere to guidelines of the ACA may affect the extent of […]

Risk Adjustment Under the Affordable Care Act: A Guide for Federal and State Regulators

The implementation of the Affordable Care Act in 2010 led many Americans to question their reliance on health insurance, including examining its costs and benefits. Review the following information from The Commonwealth Fund website on risk-adjustment and the ACA: State your opinions on the Affordable Care Act and support them with research. Reflect on […]

Affordable Care Act Funding Health Care Law Proposals

Choose a health care law or policy for this week’s assignment and create a proposal or presentation for continued funding of a related program. Create two separate proposals, one that addresses liberal viewpoints and one that addresses conservative viewpoints. Convince each group that continued funding is essential to the well being of its recipients. The […]

Walden Affordable Care Act in a Health Service Organization PPT & Paper

Executive Brief Part A As a current or future healthcare administration leader, you will likely be involved in the generation of various reports, memos, and briefs for the board of your health services organization. Much like a business analysis case or other formal presentation, Executive Briefs are meant to capture pertinent information to help solicit […]