For this option, read Kembrew McLeod’s “A Modest Free Proposal for Education Reform”   Because this is a satirical proposal, McLeod doesn’t expect readers

For this option, read Kembrew McLeod’s “A Modest Free Proposal for Education Reform”   Because this is a satirical proposal, McLeod doesn’t expect readers to follow through on his suggestions. Try to imagine real solutions to the problems he addresses and write a serious proposal for change that would improve education in the United States. Be sure to reflect on […]

For this assignment, I want you to announce the medium in which you will present your Spark Grant Community Project ProposalLinks to an external site(I’ve

For this assignment, I want you to announce the medium in which you will present your Spark Grant Community Project ProposalLinks to an external site(I’ve attach the files).. The two most common options are essays and recorded screencasts. However, I am open to other format ideas such as magazine article, newsletter, short documentary, website and comic […]

This is the rubric for my Project.  ( Major Project 2: Research essay  Research Essay (12 points, required to pass the course, Brightspace) Research an

This is the rubric for my Project.  ( Major Project 2: Research essay  Research Essay (12 points, required to pass the course, Brightspace) Research an issue important to children, either historical or contemporary. How you define childhood and what stage of childhood (infancy, youth culture, emerging adulthood, etc.) is up to you, but the relevance for […]

1- a list of possible questions for the employer should be prepared? 2- After finding a potential job in your researching process, you need to write a

1- a list of possible questions for the employer should be prepared? 2- After finding a potential job in your researching process, you need to write a critical analysis of that job.  Be sure to analyze the job’s requirements, the potential benefits, and the employer/company/business.  Remember to use in-citation and a list of sources used […]

Continuation from 582591 Unit IV Introduction Paragraph and Outline Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will begin drafting your paper, beginning

Continuation from 582591 Unit IV Introduction Paragraph and Outline Assignment objective: In this assignment, you will begin drafting your paper, beginning with the introduction paragraph that introduces your reader to the topic, controversy, and your main argument. Next, you will provide an outline of the three body paragraphs that will support your thesis. Finally, you […]