see attachment  Define Concepts Instructions: Define the following basic concepts related to social

see attachment 

Define Concepts


Define the following basic concepts related to social psychology, using the technical vocabulary of the module.



· Social influence

· Exchange theory

· Social influence theory

· Conformity

· Asch 

· Moscovici 

· Affiliation

· Acceptance

· Obedience

· Milgram’s studies

· Pro-social behavior

· Altruism

Contribute a minimum of 1–2 pages. It should include at least 1 academic source, formatted and cited in APA.

Be sure to review the 

academic expectations
 for your submission.

Submission Instructions:

· Submit your assignment by 11:59 PM Eastern on Sunday.

· Review the rubric to determine how your assignment will be graded.

· Your assignment will be run through Turnitin to check for plagiarism. 


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