ORGL-150 APA Essay on the Significance of Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Leadership. This APA paper serves as your Key assignment,


APA Essay on the Significance of Developing Critical Thinking Skills for Effective Leadership.

This APA paper serves as your Key assignment, where you will explore the importance of cultivating critical thinking abilities for effective leadership. Through this essay, you will also outline your approach to becoming a critical thinker and how it will support your leadership style. 

Your paper will focus on defining critical thinking and its relevance in various aspects of your life, including your academic journey at UC and in workplaces, organizations, and community groups.

Furthermore, the paper will adhere to the APA format (version 7.0), with a font size of 12 points, and include a minimum of three credible references. The body of the essay should be at least three pages long, excluding the title page and reference page. It is essential to ensure that the entire document is grammatically correct and follows the appropriate guidelines of the APA 7th Edition.

Please submit your completed paper as a draft for feedback from your instructor. As a reminder, the draft should consist of your final paper (not an outline), formatted according to APA 7th Edition, including the following components: 

1. Title Page 
2. Body of Paper (3 pages of written text)
3. Reference Page (3 references)

The draft, along with any edits or comments, will be returned to you through your UC email. After reviewing and considering the feedback, please make any necessary adjustments before submitting the final paper (Key Assignment) in Week 7 via Turnitin. This paper should be a total of 5 pages, including the title page, body, and reference page.

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