Documentary Film Assignment: Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again #1 watch film #2 write about it and include one reading from the list below Write a

Documentary Film Assignment: Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again

#1 watch film #2 write about it and include one reading from the list below Write a 500-750 word (2-3 pages double spaced) analysis of the film Mary Two-Axe Earley: I Am Indian Again and point to concepts that arise in any of the readings or content we have had in class so far. All papers should be in APA format. In this short film analysis, you will provide a discussion of the film. A good film analysis contains the following: Introduction (contains your thesis, or what you will discuss in the paper) A brief synopsis of the film (What is the film about, and what do we learn in the film?) A discussion of the film′s contents with connection to a concept of your choice that we have encountered in the course content so far (elaboration on your thesis) Conclusion Your analysis should contain references to the content we have reviewed in the course (you are welcome to look at content we have not yet covered in the course if that is interesting to you). You are welcome to provide additional reference to scholarly literature, grey literature, or news media sources, but you must cite at least one course content reading. FILM : PLEASE BEWARE: In this course you will be evaluated on the language you choose when you write about Indigenous peoples. Here are resources on how to write respectfully about Indigenous peoples in your essay. A short blurb on repeat offenders: ″indigenous″ – this is lower case. Always capitalize Indigenous. ″our Indigenous people″ or ″Canada′s Indigenous people″- this is possessive, inappropriate, and offensive. Indigenous peoples are not property of the state or its citizens. ″Indigenous Canadians″ – Many Indigenous peoples assert we are not Canadians or citizens of this state. Use ″Indigenous peoples in Canada″. Or use ″Indigenous peoples in what is currently Canada″ if you want to be more critical. ″the Indigenous″ – this objectifies Indigenous peoples and is not appropriate. ″the Indigenous community″- There is no single Indigenous group, use ″Indigenous peoples″ or ″Indigenous communities″ instead. ″Aboriginal″ – This is an outdated term, and should only be used when citing Section 35 Aboriginal rights or when referencing older material. PLEASE CITE and INCLUDE 1 of the following in the paper: Vowel, C. (2016). Chapter 3: Got Status? In Indigenous writes: A guide to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit issues in Canada (pp. 25-35). Winnipeg: Highwater Press. Vowel, C. (2016). Chapter 4: You’re Métis? Which of Your Parents is an Indian? In Indigenous writes: A guide to First Nations, Métis, and Inuit issues in Canada (pp. 36-54). Winnipeg: Highwater Press. Watts, V. (2013). Indigenous place-thought and agency amongst humans and non humans (First Woman and Sky Woman go on a European world tour!). Decolonization: Indigeneity, Education & Society, 2(1). Morden, M. (2016). Theorizing the resilience of the Indian Act. Canadian Public Administration, 59(1), 113–133. Rollo, T. (2018). Feral children: Settler colonialism, progress, and the figure of the child. Settler Colonial Studies, 8(1), 60-79. Starblanket, T. (2020). “Introduction”. In Suffer the little children: Genocide, Indigenous Nations and the Canadian state. (pp. 21-38). Clarity Press. *If you would like course material please message me and I can share the google drive lecture powerpoints with you.

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