Course Project Case Study Based on the following information, students will complete the course project in their assigned groups.

Course Project Case Study

Based on the following information, students will complete the course project in their assigned groups.

Group 2

2. Mr. Clark is a 26 Caucasian male who was admitted to the rehabilitation hospital following a 6 week stay in a local acute care hospital. He suffered a T3 burst fracture after a MVA and the site was surgically stabilized. He is paralyzed in his lower extremities and has no sensation below the clavicles. He is incontinent of bowel and bladder and has a stage 3 pressure ulcer to his coccyx. Medical history includes substance abuse (alcohol) and obesity.

Mr. Clark is single and lives alone in a second story apartment. His parents live three states away and he has no relatives in the area. He is a seasonal construction worker, denies any religious affiliation and speaks English.

Orders include:

Regular diet

Ensure high protein shake BID

Foley cath to dependent drainage

Dulcolax suppository every 3 days rectally

Baclofen 5mg PO QID

Midodrine 10 mg PO at 0800, 1300 and 1800

Sertraline 100mg PO daily

Hydrocodone 5/325 q 6 hours for moderate to severe pain

PT, OT TID, 5 days per week

Dressing changes to sacral pressure ulcer: cleanse with wound wash, alginate dressing daily

Cervical collar when OOB

Transfer with sliding board per PT

Full resuscitation

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