Purpose To treat clients with STIs with a nonjudgmental attitude within the scope of practice of the LPN while functioning on a team of


To treat clients with STIs with a nonjudgmental attitude within the scope of practice of the LPN while functioning on a team of professionals.


Identify nursing interventions for clients with disorders of the reproductive system.


Read the case studies below and answer the questions. Make sure you cite any sources using APA format.

Scenario # 1

You are working in a community health clinic on a team that has an LPN, RN, and nurse practitioner. Your first client of the day is a tearful young woman who states that she has had a painful rash to her genital area for the past couple of days. She came to the clinic today because the rash is getting progressively worse. Her vital signs are: 100.5 (PO), 114, 28, 145/88 Pain: 9 on a 1-10 scale. The client shares with you that her boyfriend has herpes. They never have sex when he is having a flare-up, so she is not sure how she could have gotten it from him.

Question # 1: What should be the first priority for this client? Explain your answer. (5-10 sentences)

Question # 2: The RN provides teaching to the client, but the client has some follow-up questions. As the LPN you reinforce the teaching about how herpes is spread. What factual information should the nurse provide about the spread of this disease
between flare-ups? (2-3 sentences)

Scenario # 2

You are working in a primary care office with a physician’s assistant (PA) and RN. A client comes in for a follow-up visit. He states that he was called to come in because of an “abnormal lab report.” You print the labs for the PA, and you see that the client had a sore on his penis that was scraped and sent to the lab. The scrapings are positive for syphilis. You also see in the notes that the client had to be called repeatedly to come to the office. At first, he was unwilling to return because he stated he “feels fine.”

Question # 3: The client is confused about why he needs to name his sexual partners. What factual information can the nurse give to explain the need for all of his sexual partners to be treated as soon as possible? (5-10 sentences)

Question # 4: The PA orders a single dose of Benzathine Penicillin G 2.4 million units IM. The client questions why he just cannot take some pills. What explanation will you provide to the client? (5-10 sentences)

Scenario # 3

You are working in a primary care office with a physician. You are instructed to collect data on a client, including vital signs and chief complaint. The client states that she is a sex worker and has had chills, fevers, and sore throats on and off for several weeks. The physician orders a rapid HIV test.

Question # 5: What in your data collection indicates that the client is at high risk for HIV? (2-3 sentences)


· Standard American English (correct grammar, punctuation, etc.)

· Logical, original, and insightful

· Professional organization, style, and mechanics in APA format

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