EVIDENCE-BASED PRACTICE AND THE QUADRUPLE AIM To Prepare: · Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan,


To Prepare:

· Read the articles by Sikka, Morath, & Leape (2015); Crabtree, Brennan, Davis, & Coyle (2016); and Kim et al. (2016) provided in the Resources.

· Reflect on how EBP might impact (or not impact) the Quadruple Aim in healthcare.

· Consider the impact that EBP may have on factors impacting these quadruple aim elements, such as preventable medical errors or healthcare delivery.

To Complete:

Write a brief analysis (no longer than 2 pages) of the connection between EBP and the Quadruple Aim.

Your analysis should address how EBP might (or might not) help reach the Quadruple Aim, including each of the four measures of:

· Patient experience

· Population health

· Costs

· Work life of healthcare providers

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