DU Management First Line Supervisors Coordinating Nursing Assignment Help

Chapter 1 of ‘Umiker’s Management Skills for the New Health Care Supervisor 7th edition’.

  1. Why should the first-line supervisor be proficient in both doing and leading? Explain.
  2. Do you believe it is better to rise to supervision from within the group or move into the position from outside? Why?
  3. What do you believe are the fundamental differences between a traditional “boss” and a true leader? 
  4. Why is it necessary for the first-line supervisor to be technically or professionally competent as well as a capable leader?
  5. Why is delegation critically important as a supervisory skill?
  6. Concerning the section “Supervisors as Seen by Their Employees,” write one additional statement that you would like to hear said of you as a supervisor. Explain why you wrote this particular statement.
  7. Why is it of particular importance for the supervisor to identify primarily with management?
  8. As a first-line supervisor, how would you attempt to relate honestly with your immediate superior if that manager’s attitude strongly suggests that “bad news” is never welcome?
  9. As a newly hired or recently appointed supervisor, how would you go about trying to determine what expectations you will be called upon to meet?
  10. What would you do if you found yourself in strong disagreement with a mandate your immediate superior expects you to implement through your employees?

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