St Thomas University Agency Synopsis Worksheet Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical multi-part question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

  • Agency Synopsis

Identify regulatory agencies that regulate health and the health care system within the US, create a table listing your 5 regulatory agencies and address the following:

  1. Describe the agency, level of regulatory authority (local, state, federal), scope of regulatory authority, and role within the US healthcare system.
  2. Address relevance of the organization or the organization’s authority to the APRN/DNP graduate.
  3. Describe relevance to specialty area, area of practice, or setting of practice. For an example, mental health. 

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Introduction: In the US healthcare system, there are several regulatory agencies that play a crucial role in ensuring the safety, quality, and effectiveness of healthcare services. These agencies have different levels of regulatory authority and their roles are essential for healthcare professionals, including APRNs and DNP graduates. In this response, we will describe five regulatory agencies, information about their regulatory authority, their role in the US healthcare system, and their relevance to APRN/DNP graduates and their specialty areas.


1. Food and Drug Administration (FDA):
– Agency Description: The FDA is a federal regulatory agency responsible for protecting public health by ensuring the safety, efficacy, and security of drugs, medical devices, food, cosmetics, and more.
– Level of Regulatory Authority: Federal.
– Scope of Regulatory Authority: The FDA regulates the manufacturing, distribution, and marketing of pharmaceuticals, biological products, medical devices, and various food-related items.
– Role within the US Healthcare System: The FDA plays a vital role in ensuring the safety and effectiveness of healthcare products and food, conducting inspections, monitoring adverse events, and providing guidelines and regulations to ensure public health.

2. Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS):
– Agency Description: CMS is a federal agency that administers the Medicare and Medicaid programs, which provide health coverage for certain populations.
– Level of Regulatory Authority: Federal.
– Scope of Regulatory Authority: CMS sets standards for healthcare delivery, payment systems, and quality improvement initiatives for Medicare and Medicaid recipients.
– Role within the US Healthcare System: CMS plays a critical role in regulating the delivery and reimbursement of healthcare services, ensuring access to healthcare for vulnerable populations, and promoting quality improvement initiatives.

3. Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA):
– Agency Description: OSHA is a federal agency responsible for ensuring safe and healthy working conditions for employees across various industries, including healthcare.
– Level of Regulatory Authority: Federal.
– Scope of Regulatory Authority: OSHA sets and enforces standards to protect workers from occupational hazards, including biological hazards, chemical exposures, and physical hazards.
– Role within the US Healthcare System: OSHA plays a crucial role in safeguarding healthcare workers from workplace hazards, ensuring compliance with safety regulations, and promoting a culture of safety in healthcare settings.

4. Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA):
– Agency Description: The DEA is a federal law enforcement agency that aims to combat the illegal distribution and abuse of controlled substances.
– Level of Regulatory Authority: Federal.
– Scope of Regulatory Authority: The DEA regulates the manufacturing, distribution, and prescribing of controlled substances, ensuring their proper use within healthcare and other contexts.
– Role within the US Healthcare System: The DEA plays a crucial role in preventing diversion and misuse of controlled substances, monitoring prescription practices, and enforcing regulations to combat the opioid crisis.

5. State Boards of Nursing:
– Agency Description: State Boards of Nursing are regulatory bodies established at the state level to oversee nursing practice within each state.
– Level of Regulatory Authority: State.
– Scope of Regulatory Authority: State Boards of Nursing set standards, issue licenses, and regulate the practice of nursing within their respective states.
– Role within the US Healthcare System: State Boards of Nursing play a vital role in ensuring the competence and ethical practice of nursing professionals, including APRNs and DNPs, within their jurisdiction.

Relevance to APRN/DNP Graduates and Specialty Areas:

The above regulatory agencies have significant relevance to APRN/DNP graduates and their specialty areas, such as mental health.

– FDA: APRN/DNP graduates specializing in psychiatry or mental health may encounter FDA regulations related to psychiatric medications, devices, or therapies. Understanding FDA-approved treatments, off-label use, and potential adverse effects is important in delivering safe and evidence-based care.

– CMS: APRN/DNP graduates in mental health settings frequently provide services to Medicare and Medicaid recipients. Understanding CMS regulations pertaining to reimbursement, documentation, and quality improvement initiatives is crucial for ensuring appropriate care delivery and managing reimbursement processes.

– OSHA: APRN/DNP graduates working in mental health facilities or hospitals need to adhere to OSHA standards to ensure the safety and well-being of both patients and healthcare workers. Compliance with infection control measures, handling of hazardous materials, and establishment of safe working environments are vital in mental health settings.

– DEA: APRN/DNP graduates specializing in psychiatric/mental health nursing may encounter controlled substance regulations when prescribing certain medications for mental health conditions. Compliance with DEA regulations, such as storage, record-keeping, and prescription practices, is essential for patient safety and preventing substance misuse.

– State Boards of Nursing: APRN/DNP graduates in mental health specialties must adhere to the standards and regulations established by their state’s Board of Nursing. State-specific licensure requirements, scope of practice regulations, and continuing education obligations must be followed to ensure legal and ethical practice.

Overall, these regulatory agencies and their authority have a direct impact on the practice of APRN/DNP graduates in mental health and other specialty areas. Understanding and complying with these regulations is crucial for delivering safe, effective, and ethical healthcare services.

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