OSU LEadership Theory Case Study Nursing Assignment Help


Use the following case study to do your organizational analysis: The GM Culture Crisis: What Leaders Must Learn From This Culture Case Study.

After reading the case study, answer these questions:

Evaluate Leadership Theory

Describe a leadership style used in the case study and why there was a shift in leadership style throughout the case study.

Explain the characteristics and decisions of management in the case study that help explain the shift in leadership style.

Identify the internal and external influences on the organization that may have caused the shift in leadership style. Be sure to explain your choices.

  1. Describe the relationship between a leadership style used by the organization in the case study and the decision-making process.

Assess Organizational Culture

  1. Discuss the internal culture present within the organization. Be sure to utilize terms relative to organizational behavior.
  2. Identify specific examples from the case study that demonstrate the internal culture present within the organization.
  3. Insights and Conclusions
  4. Explain why the leadership style(s) and internal culture of the organization complement each other or do not complement each other.
  5. Explain whether or not the changes in leadership style or internal culture of the organization influenced each other.

Explain how the leadership styles and internal culture of the organization may have influenced the behavior of the employees within the organization. You could consider providing specific instances or examples from within the case study to support your response.

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In this case study analysis, we will examine the GM Culture Crisis and evaluate the leadership theory and organizational culture present within the organization. By analyzing the leadership style, decision-making process, internal and external influences, and the relationship between leadership style and decision-making, we can gain insights into the impact on organizational culture and employee behavior.

Answer 1: Evaluate Leadership Theory

In the case study, a leadership style used was a hierarchical and top-down approach, characterized by an authoritative leadership style. However, there was a shift in leadership style throughout the case study towards a more collaborative and participative approach. This shift in leadership style was influenced by the changing external environment and the recognition of the need for cultural transformation within GM.

Answer 2: Explain the characteristics and decisions of management

The management in the case study made decisions that helped explain the shift in leadership style. Firstly, they recognized the need for change due to the crisis faced by the organization. Secondly, they acknowledged the importance of employee empowerment, open communication, and collaboration in solving complex problems. These characteristics and decisions demonstrated their commitment to creating a more inclusive and innovative organizational culture.

Answer 3: Identify internal and external influences

The internal influences that may have caused the shift in leadership style include the recognition of the need for cultural change, the desire to enhance employee morale and engagement, and the understanding of the need for innovation and adaptation. External influences include the pressure from public scrutiny, the changing market dynamics, and the need to regain trust and loyalty from stakeholders. These influences compelled the organization to shift its leadership style to address the challenges and seize opportunities.

Answer 4: Describe the relationship between leadership style and decision-making process

The leadership style used by the organization in the case study affected the decision-making process. Initially, the hierarchical and authoritative leadership style hindered open communication and limited the involvement of other stakeholders in decision-making. However, the shift towards a more collaborative and participative leadership style fostered shared decision-making, cross-functional collaboration, and a focus on employee empowerment. This relationship between leadership style and decision-making enabled more diverse perspectives, increased creativity, and improved problem-solving capabilities.

Answer 5: Assess Organizational Culture

The internal culture present within the organization can be characterized as hierarchical, bureaucratic, and resistant to change. It lacked effective communication channels, collaboration, and empowerment. The organizational culture was focused on maintaining the status quo and adhering to traditional practices, which hindered innovation and adaptation.

Answer 6: Identify specific examples from the case study

Specific examples from the case study that demonstrate the internal culture present within the organization include the lack of information sharing and transparency, limited cross-collaboration between departments, resistance to change from established practices, and a focus on individual performance rather than collective goals.

Answer 7: Explain the complementarity of leadership style and internal culture

The shift in leadership style towards a more collaborative and participatory approach aligned well with the desired changes in the internal culture. The new leadership style encouraged open communication, employee empowerment, and cross-functional collaboration, which were essential for transforming the hierarchical and resistant internal culture. The complementary nature of leadership style and internal culture supported the organization’s goals of fostering innovation, adaptability, and employee engagement.

Answer 8: Explain the influence of changes in leadership style and internal culture

The changes in leadership style and internal culture of the organization influenced each other. The shift in leadership style towards a more collaborative and participative approach facilitated the transformation of the internal culture by breaking down hierarchical barriers, encouraging open communication, and empowering employees to contribute their ideas and insights. Similarly, the change in internal culture created an environment that supported the new leadership style by fostering collaboration, trust, and engagement among employees.

Answer 9: Influence of leadership styles and internal culture on employee behavior

The leadership styles and internal culture of the organization played a significant role in influencing employee behavior. The authoritarian leadership style and hierarchical internal culture in the initial stages limited employee initiative, innovation, and creativity. However, as the leadership style shifted towards collaboration and the internal culture transformed to be more inclusive and innovative, it positively influenced employee behavior. Employees felt empowered, valued, and motivated to contribute their best ideas and efforts towards achieving the organization’s objectives. This dynamic environment fostered a culture of creativity, teamwork, and accountability among the employees.

In conclusion, the GM Culture Crisis case study highlights the interplay between leadership style, internal culture, and employee behavior. The shift in leadership style and the transformation of the internal culture complemented each other and supported the organization’s journey towards a more innovative, collaborative, and adaptive culture. These changes positively influenced employee behavior, encouraging creativity, collaboration, and accountability within the organization.

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