To successfully complete this assignment, first read the following exercise from the Laboratory Manual: Exercise 38. Anatomy of the Digestive System. Reference: Marieb, E. N., Mitchell, S. J., & S Nursing Assignment Help

To successfully complete this assignment, first read the following exercise from the Laboratory Manual: Exercise 38. Anatomy of the Digestive System.


Marieb, E. N., Mitchell, S. J., & Smith, L. A. (2013). Human anatomy &           physiology laboratory manual (11th ed.). [Fetal Pig version]. San           Francisco, CA: Pearson Benjamin Cummings.

Student Discussion Assignment

  1. Trace and discuss the complete movement of a bolus of food entering and exiting the human via the digestive system.
  2. View the anatomical models Figure 38.6 (b),Figure 38.8 (b),and Figure38.14 (a)and(b)from Laboratory Manual and briefly identify the structures that are described by the following abbreviated statements. Post your brief responses in the threaded Discussion Area below:
    1. Smooth muscle layers of the muscularis
    2. Location and function of gastric pits
    3. Overall structure of the finger-like villi within the small intestine/increased absorption area
    4. Function and location of hepatic artery and vein
    5. Specific lobes of the liver
    6. Gallbladder relationship to bile and digestion
  3. View the histology slides Figure 38.6 (b),Figure 38.9 (a),and Figure 38.13in your Laboratory Manual and identify the microscopic structures indicated by a leader line, number, or bracket. In the threaded Discussion Area below, briefly describe the function of:
    1. Figure 38.6 (b) gastric glands
    2. Figure 38.9 (a) Brunner’s gland
    3. Figure 38.13 ductal cells

As in all assignments, cite your sources in your work and provide references for the citations in APA format. Support your work, using your course lectures and textbook readings. Helpful APA guides and resources are available in the South University Online Library. Below are guides that are located in the library and can be accessed and downloaded via the South University Online Citation Resources: APA Style page. The American Psychological Association website also provides detailed guidance on formatting, citations, and references at APA Style.

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