HCS 457 University of Phoenix PERIE Model Presentation Nursing Assignment Help

Create a 10- to 15-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation with speaker notes to summarize your findings pertaining to the issue or disease. 

Explain epidemiology and its relationship to public health.

  • Describe the issue or disease.
  • Identify the underlying nature and cause of the issue or disease.
  • Analyze the uses and effects of demographic data, surveillance data, and vital statistics in public and community health.
  • Identify the demographics and effect of the issue or disease on the community.
  • Determine if the effects cross from community to state or national levels.
  • Analyze possible solutions for the issue or disease selected.
  • Identify possible solutions.
  • Explain how successful the solutions were.
  • Determine additional suggestions for treatment or resolution.
  • Include how the model served as a guide to understand the cause.
  • Include at least 3 references 
  • The above is for reference only. All I need is 3 slides based off of the following:

The disease selected is HPV (Human Papillomavirus) one slide for each number

1. Analyze possible solutions for the issue or disease selected.

2. Identify possible solutions.

3. Explain how successful the solutions were.


Expert Solution Preview

Slide 1: Analyze possible solutions for HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

– HPV vaccination: One of the most effective ways to prevent HPV infection is through vaccination. Vaccines such as Gardasil and Cervarix can protect against certain strains of HPV that are associated with cervical and other cancers. Encouraging vaccination among adolescents and young adults can significantly reduce the incidence of HPV.

– Education and awareness programs: Raising awareness about HPV, its transmission, and associated risks is crucial in preventing its spread. Providing accurate information about the virus, its consequences, and the importance of vaccination can help individuals make informed decisions and take necessary precautions.

– Regular screening and early detection: Regular cervical cancer screenings, such as Pap tests and HPV tests, can help detect abnormal cell changes early on. Early detection allows for prompt treatment and better outcomes. Promoting access to affordable and convenient screening facilities can help ensure that individuals are tested regularly.

Slide 2: Identify possible solutions for HPV (Human Papillomavirus)

– Implementing national vaccination programs: Governments can work towards implementing national HPV vaccination programs, making the vaccine readily available and affordable to individuals of all socio-economic backgrounds. This can help ensure widespread coverage and protection against HPV.

– Educating healthcare professionals: Providing healthcare professionals with up-to-date information about HPV, its prevention, and management can help them better educate and counsel patients. It can also lead to increased vaccine acceptance and a higher rate of early detection through appropriate screenings.

– Community outreach programs: Collaborating with community organizations, schools, and local healthcare providers can help reach individuals who may not have easy access to healthcare facilities. Conducting educational campaigns and offering vaccination clinics in community settings can increase awareness and vaccination rates.

Slide 3: Explain how successful the solutions for HPV (Human Papillomavirus) have been

– HPV vaccination programs have shown significant success in reducing the prevalence of HPV infections and related diseases. Studies have shown a decrease in HPV infections, genital warts, and precancerous cervical lesions in vaccinated populations.

– Education programs have also proven effective in increasing awareness about HPV, its transmission, and prevention methods. This has led to improved vaccine acceptance rates and a better understanding of the importance of regular screenings.

– Additionally, the implementation of national vaccination programs and community outreach initiatives has contributed to higher vaccination coverage rates and increased accessibility. This has resulted in a decline in HPV-related diseases and improved overall public health outcomes.

1. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. HPV and Vaccine Information for Clinicians. Retrieved from [insert reference link]
2. World Health Organization. Human papillomavirus (HPV) and cervical cancer. Retrieved from [insert reference link]
3. National Cancer Institute. HPV and Cancer. Retrieved from [insert reference link]

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