HCA 530 Grand Canyon University Supply and Production Costs Questions Nursing Assignment Help

Use the “Supply and Production Costs,” worksheet and the   economic concepts discussed in Chapters 6 and 7 of Economics of     Health and Medical Care to answer the following questions. You   will use the table found in the worksheet to calculate and fill in the   blanks for the table in Question 5. 

  1. Explain the difference between explicit and implicit costs of   production.
  2. Explain the reasoning behind the U-shaped,     long-run, average cost curve.
  3. Explain the law of     diminishing marginal returns.
  4. Describe economies and     diseconomies of scale.
  5. Given the following data, calculate     the total fixed, total variable, and marginal costs at each level of   production.


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In this content, we will be discussing economic concepts related to supply and production costs in the field of healthcare and medical care. Specifically, we will focus on the differences between explicit and implicit costs of production, the reasoning behind the U-shaped, long-run, average cost curve, the law of diminishing marginal returns, and economies and diseconomies of scale. Additionally, we will calculate total fixed, total variable, and marginal costs based on provided data.

Answer 1:
The difference between explicit and implicit costs of production lies in their nature and presentation. Explicit costs refer to the actual outflow of money or resources that a firm incurs in order to produce goods or services. These costs are explicit and tangible, such as wages, raw materials, rent, and utilities.

On the other hand, implicit costs are the opportunity costs associated with utilizing resources in a certain way. They represent the value of the best alternative foregone when resources are used for a particular purpose. Implicit costs are not directly incurred in monetary terms but still play a significant role in production decisions. For example, the cost of using a self-owned building for business purposes instead of renting it out to generate rental income is an implicit cost.

Answer 2:
The U-shaped, long-run average cost curve is based on economies and diseconomies of scale. Initially, as production levels increase, average costs tend to decrease due to economies of scale. Economies of scale occur when an increase in the scale of production leads to cost advantages. This can be due to factors such as efficient utilization of resources, spreading fixed costs over a larger output, or gaining access to bulk discounts on inputs.

However, after a certain point, the long-run average cost curve starts to rise, forming the upward slope of the ‘U.’ This is because the firm begins to experience diseconomies of scale. Diseconomies of scale refer to cost disadvantages associated with further increases in production. Factors such as coordination challenges, communication issues, and diminishing returns to scale can lead to inefficiencies and higher average costs.

Overall, the U-shaped, long-run average cost curve illustrates the relationship between production levels and average costs, highlighting the trade-offs between economies and diseconomies of scale.

Answer 3:
The law of diminishing marginal returns states that as additional units of a variable input are added to a fixed input, the marginal product of the variable input will eventually decrease. In simpler terms, it suggests that there is a limit to the positive impact of increasing a particular input when other inputs remain fixed.

Initially, when one variable input is increased while keeping other inputs constant, the marginal product tends to increase. This indicates enhanced productivity and efficiency. However, at a certain point, the marginal product begins to diminish. This occurs due to factors such as limited resources, diminishing returns, or decreased efficiency in the utilization of additional inputs.

The law of diminishing marginal returns is important for firms to understand as it helps in decision-making regarding resource allocation and optimization of production levels. It highlights the need to find an optimal point where the costs of additional inputs outweigh the benefits gained in terms of output.

Answer 4:
Economies of scale and diseconomies of scale are concepts related to the relationship between production levels and costs.

Economies of scale occur when an increase in the scale of production leads to cost advantages. These cost advantages can be achieved through factors such as specialization, increased efficiency, spreading fixed costs over a larger output, enhanced bargaining power with suppliers, or access to bulk discounts on inputs. Economies of scale enable firms to reduce their per-unit production costs and increase profitability.

Diseconomies of scale, on the other hand, refer to cost disadvantages associated with further increases in production. As production levels increase beyond a certain point, coordination challenges, communication issues, decreased efficiency, and diminishing returns to scale can lead to inefficiencies and higher per-unit costs. Diseconomies of scale can result in decreased profitability for firms.

Understanding economies and diseconomies of scale helps firms in optimizing their production levels and identifying the most cost-effective scale of operation for long-term sustainability and profitability.

Answer 5:
To calculate the total fixed costs (TFC), total variable costs (TVC), and marginal costs at each level of production, we need the following data:

– Please provide the necessary data for the calculation of costs at each level of production.

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