WEEK 8 discussion HIMA 200 Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

Reflect upon what you have learned over the past 8 weeks. Identify the 3 most significant concepts you will take away from this course, and explain how you envision using each in your current or healthcare setting.                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                      Patient records requirement, ethics of code, and fraud and abuse in healthcare 

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WEEK 8 discussion HIMA 200

Nursing Assignment Help


Over the past 8 weeks, I have gained valuable knowledge and insights related to various aspects of healthcare through this course. Reflecting upon what I have learned, I have identified three significant concepts that I believe will greatly contribute to my current or future healthcare setting. These concepts are patient records requirement, ethics of code, and fraud and abuse in healthcare.

1) Patient records requirement:
One of the most significant concepts I will take away from this course is the importance of patient records requirement in healthcare. I have learned about the essential role of accurate and complete documentation in providing quality patient care and ensuring continuity of care. By adhering to proper record-keeping practices, healthcare professionals can effectively communicate and collaborate within interdisciplinary teams, improve patient outcomes, and mitigate potential legal and ethical issues. In my current healthcare setting, I envision applying this knowledge by consistently documenting patient information, treatment plans, and progress notes to ensure comprehensive and efficient healthcare delivery.

2) Ethics of code:
The concept of ethics of code has been another noteworthy aspect of this course. I have deepened my understanding of ethical principles and guidelines that govern healthcare practice, such as autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, and justice. Learning about ethical decision-making frameworks has equipped me with the tools to navigate complex moral dilemmas that may arise in patient care. By incorporating these ethical considerations into my decision-making process, I can uphold the highest standards of professionalism and patient-centered care. Whether it be determining the best course of treatment or respecting patient confidentiality, I will apply this knowledge to uphold the ethical standards in my healthcare setting.

3) Fraud and abuse in healthcare:
The third significant concept I have gained from this course is the recognition and understanding of fraud and abuse in healthcare. I have learned about the various types of fraudulent activities, such as billing fraud, kickbacks, and unnecessary services, and the detrimental impact they have on healthcare systems, patient trust, and financial resources. By being aware of the signs and consequences of fraud and abuse, I will be better equipped to prevent, detect, and report any suspicious activities in my healthcare setting. This knowledge will contribute to maintaining the integrity of healthcare systems and ensuring that resources are effectively allocated to patient care.

In conclusion, the three most significant concepts I will take away from this course are patient records requirement, ethics of code, and fraud and abuse in healthcare. These concepts will greatly influence my current or future healthcare setting by guiding my approach to documentation, ethical decision-making, and safeguarding against fraudulent practices. By applying these concepts, I aim to provide high-quality and ethical care to patients while upholding the principles of healthcare professionalism.

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