MRU Steps to Build a Partnership with a Community Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Scholarly Paper: Consider a community known to you. You wish to take initial steps to build a partnership with the community.

1.  What data and information should you analyze and consider before you contact community leaders/members/organizations?

Example: Review the results of the community health assessment (CHA).As you review the CHA, ask yourself the following questions:

What has been the history of this community during and following previous change and engagement efforts? How are the community and its various groups likely to perceive the APRN, and what is the potential for a successful engagement of community members?

2.  Which area leaders/members/organizations would you contact initially to introduce the idea of a partnership?

Parent/teacher organizations

Religious groups

Local politicians

Fire and police organizations

Who else?

How to solve

MRU Steps to Build a Partnership with a Community Paper

Nursing Assignment Help

Before establishing a partnership with a community, it is essential to analyze and consider various data and information in order to ensure a successful engagement. This involves understanding the community’s history, perceptions, and potential for collaboration. Additionally, identifying the initial area leaders, members, and organizations to contact is crucial for introducing the idea of a partnership.


1. What data and information should you analyze and consider before you contact community leaders/members/organizations?

Before contacting community leaders, members, and organizations, several data and information should be analyzed and considered. Some key areas to explore include:

a. Community Health Assessment (CHA): Review the results of the CHA to gain an understanding of the community’s current health status, prevalent health issues, and healthcare access gaps. This analysis helps determine the health needs of the community and identify areas where collaboration may be beneficial.

b. Community History: Examine the history of the community regarding previous change and engagement efforts. This will provide insights into how the community has responded to such initiatives in the past and any challenges faced. Understanding the community’s history can help in tailoring the partnership approach and addressing potential concerns.

c. Demographic Data: Analyze demographic data such as population composition, age distribution, socioeconomic status, and cultural diversity. This information aids in understanding the community’s unique characteristics, needs, and potential disparities that may exist.

d. Social Determinants of Health: Evaluate social determinants of health, including factors like education, employment, housing, and access to healthcare services. Assessing these determinants helps identify underlying factors influencing the community’s health outcomes and pinpoint areas that require attention.

e. Existing Resources and Assets: Identify existing community resources, organizations, and services available to address healthcare needs. This analysis assists in identifying potential partners for collaboration, avoiding duplication, and leveraging existing assets for the partnership.

2. Which area leaders/members/organizations would you contact initially to introduce the idea of a partnership?

When introducing the idea of a partnership, it is vital to reach out to the appropriate area leaders, members, and organizations. While the specific choices may vary based on the community, some potential initial contacts include:

a. Parent/Teacher Organizations: Engaging with parent/teacher organizations provides an avenue to connect with families and educational institutions within the community. These groups often have a vested interest in improving health outcomes for children, making them valuable partners.

b. Religious Groups: Religious organizations play a vital role in many communities, acting as a hub for social activities and support networks. Engaging with religious groups can help reach a broader section of the community and utilize their influence to drive health-related initiatives.

c. Local Politicians: Building a partnership with local politicians can be crucial in obtaining support and resources for community health initiatives. They can advocate for funding, policy changes, and actively engage in community-building efforts.

d. Fire and Police Organizations: Contacting fire and police organizations can facilitate collaborations related to public safety and emergency preparedness. These organizations often have direct contact with community members and can provide valuable insights into their needs and concerns.

e. Nonprofit Organizations: Research and identify existing nonprofit organizations working in the community, particularly those focusing on health and social welfare. Establishing a partnership with relevant nonprofits can leverage their expertise and resources to address community health concerns effectively.

f. Community-based Health Centers: Reach out to community-based health centers and clinics to explore partnership possibilities. These organizations are often deeply embedded in the community and have a comprehensive understanding of its healthcare needs, making them valuable collaborators.

Remember, selecting the initial area leaders, members, and organizations for contact should align with the specific needs and characteristics of the community. This initial contact sets the foundation for successful community engagement and long-term partnership development.

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