Grand Canyon University English Composition Health & Medical Paper Nursing Assignment Help

  1. Support a claim and evidence suitable for a proposal argument.
  2. Use conventions of format and structure appropriate to proposal arguments.
  3. Integrate primary and secondary sources to support a proposal argument without allowing those sources to dictate the writer’s argument.
  4. Identify weaknesses in proposal arguments.
  5. Document sources appropriately.
  6. Conduct a peer review of a proposal argument
  7. .Q1Four important steps when composing a proposal include (1) convincing the audience that there is a problem that needs to be solved, (2) explaining what you want your audience to do about the problem, (3) acknowledging opposing viewpoints or steps to solving the problem and (4) justifying the action you are asking your audience to take. What strategies will you use for each step? What will make your content for each of these steps effective? Later in the week, review answers that your classmates have provided and provide feedback on their ideas
  8. .Q2,Many people have either engaged in an argument that seemed unresolvable or witnessed such an argument between friends and family members. Consider one of these arguments you have either experienced or witnessed, and then identify the fallacies that were expressed during this discussion or argument. Note how the fallacies prevented the discussion from being resolved. What did you learn about fallacies from this experience that you can apply to your proposal essay? How might fallacies like these be avoided in proposal writing?
  9. Q3,Revise the draft you wrote in Topic 6 utilizing the feedback from your peer review. Complete your revision in conjunction with the guidelines for the first draft assignment given in Topic 6.Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.The final draft of this assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

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Grand Canyon University English Composition Health & Medical Paper

Nursing Assignment Help

In this content, we will address several questions related to creating college assignments and evaluating student performance in a medical college setting. We will discuss proposal arguments, the use of primary and secondary sources, weaknesses in proposal arguments, proper documentation of sources, peer reviews, and the revision process. Let’s answer each question separately.

Answer 1:
To support a claim in a proposal argument, it is important to provide evidence that is relevant, reliable, and persuasive. One suitable piece of evidence could be a study conducted by a reputable medical institution or a published article in a respected medical journal. The evidence should clearly demonstrate the problem that needs to be addressed and the potential benefits of the proposed solution.

Answer 2:
When creating a proposal argument, it is crucial to follow conventions of format and structure. This includes presenting a clear introduction, stating the problem and proposed solution, providing supporting evidence, addressing counterarguments, and concluding with a strong call to action. By adhering to these conventions, the proposal argument becomes more organized and persuasive.

Answer 3:
Integrating primary and secondary sources is essential to support a proposal argument effectively. Primary sources, such as original research studies, provide direct evidence for the claims being made. Secondary sources, such as expert opinions or literature reviews, provide context and additional support. However, it is important not to let these sources dictate the writer’s argument. The writer should maintain control and use the sources to strengthen their own perspective.

Answer 4:
Identifying weaknesses in proposal arguments is crucial for ensuring their effectiveness. Common weaknesses include unsupported claims, lack of evidence, failure to address opposing viewpoints, and weak justification for the proposed action. By critically evaluating the proposal argument, weaknesses can be identified and addressed, resulting in a more convincing and robust argument.

Answer 5:
Properly documenting sources is essential to maintain academic integrity and give credit to the original authors. In a proposal argument, this can be achieved by using in-text citations and creating a comprehensive reference list. Different citation styles, such as APA, MLA, or Chicago, have specific guidelines for documenting sources. It is important for medical college students to learn and adhere to the appropriate documentation style for their assignments.

Answer 6:
Conducting a peer review of a proposal argument is a helpful way to receive feedback and improve the quality of the argument. During the peer review, the reviewer should assess the clarity of the problem statement, coherence of the argument, strength of evidence, consideration of counterarguments, and overall persuasiveness. Constructive feedback should be provided to help the writer refine their proposal argument.

Answer 7:
To effectively address each step when composing a proposal, several strategies can be utilized. For convincing the audience that there is a problem, presenting relevant statistics, personal anecdotes, or real-life examples can be effective. When explaining what the audience should do about the problem, providing clear and actionable solutions with potential benefits can be impactful. Acknowledging opposing viewpoints can be achieved by presenting counterarguments and addressing them with logical reasoning. Justifying the action asked of the audience can be done by providing evidence of the positive outcomes or explaining the consequences of inaction. To make the content effective, using persuasive language, providing supporting evidence, and considering the audience’s perspective can greatly enhance the proposal.

Answer 8:
Fallacies can hinder the resolution of an argument by introducing faulty reasoning or misleading tactics. Examples of fallacies that prevent resolution include ad hominem attacks, straw man arguments, false analogies, and appeals to authority. Recognizing fallacies helps us understand the importance of logical and evidence-based reasoning in proposal essays. By avoiding fallacies in proposal writing, one can focus on presenting sound arguments backed by credible evidence, leading to a greater chance of resolving conflicts or persuading the audience.

Answer 9:
To revise the draft in Topic 6, it is crucial to incorporate the feedback received during the peer review. This feedback might include suggestions for improving the problem statement, strengthening the evidence, addressing counterarguments more effectively, or enhancing the overall organization and coherence of the proposal. By carefully considering the reviewer’s feedback and implementing necessary changes, the revised draft can become more polished and impactful. It is important to follow the guidelines for the first draft assignment and ensure adherence to the APA style guide for proper formatting and documentation. The final draft should be reviewed using the provided rubric to ensure all expectations are met and should be submitted to LopesWrite to ensure originality.

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