Eastern Gateway Community College Strict Compliance on Privacy Regulations of Healthcare Administration Worksheet Nursing Assignment Help

Using the attached template, develop an outline of your research for Program Objectives 1-3. This outline template is used to help you see connections between your topic and the program objectives.

This is not a traditional outline format. You should use paragraph-style writing. Ensure you are writing in the third person (scholarly tone). This will allow you to build your rough draft out of this outline. Consider this the foundation and cornerstones of your rough draft.

Health Care Administration Program Objectives 1-3:

PO1. Articulate theories and principles of health care management.

PO2. Articulate management principles to functional areas of health care.

PO3. Identify determinants and measurements of health and disease in epidemiology, public health, promotion of health, and disease prevention.

Topic Summary:

Healthcare administration is a pertinent issue in healthcare service delivery, as it manages non-clinical operations that are fundamental for quality healthcare services. Evidently, healthcare administrative services are rarely heard of yet very necessary. The efficient management of healthcare services accrues elements of business management. Thus, like other business ventures, several business regulations are adopted in the management of healthcare operations and facilities. These regulations both legally and ethically define healthcare organizations, and one regulation that patients often consider very important is privacy.

Privacy concerns in the healthcare industry remain a great challenge to most healthcare institutions as they try to balance the security of patient information and the need to share health records with the public for the purpose of improvement of the system. Some individuals and institutions, especially government agencies view clinical data from various health institutions, public or private as public data that is very crucial in the tracking of disease control and budgeting for the healthcare systems. In addition, there is always a need for health data records from various health institutions by medical researchers carrying out a study on diseases and pandemics.

Based on information technology, most healthcare practices have become highly digitized. There are different types of technologies used in healthcare facilities to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of various practices. For example, the use of an electronic health record system (EHRs) has played a great role in ensuring that the information required is always available and safe since it is one of the technologies used in recording and storing patients’ data. It is the role of healthcare administrators to ensure that such systems are installed in their facilities.

Nevertheless, it is important to note that healthcare institutions have the ethical obligation to maintain patient-doctor confidentiality, which must be extended to the records of health data and patient information. Research has shown that the trust of the public in a healthcare institution is highly influenced by the perception of the public on the privacy of medical records by the corresponding institutions (McGinnis et al., 2020). Therefore, healthcare institutions operating on online platforms must ensure that they take only information that is necessary for offering medical services and can only be accessed by only authorized staff by establishing the necessary security systems in the online websites as well as preventing the theft of the information. According to The Journal of Medical Practice Management, “it has become fairly common knowledge that most data breaches today are not from outside attacks, but from employees and providers ignoring the regulations.” (What HIPAA Law, 2021).

Any healthcare organization needs not just doctors, nurses, and other health specialists for it to operate effectively. Just like some other businesses or charitable organizations, healthcare organizations require individuals to run administrative duties to help doctors, dissect information, oversee records, and manage different healthcare activities. By the end of this project, I hope to give the audience a thorough explanation of how to adhere to the health administration’s privacy rules. I’ll start by reviewing the fundamentals of privacy protection before getting into particular privacy laws for various health administrations. Lastly, I’ll also provide a list of tools that might assist you in maintaining compliance.

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Eastern Gateway Community College Strict Compliance on Privacy Regulations of Healthcare Administration Worksheet

Nursing Assignment Help

Outline of Research for Program Objectives 1-3:

I. Introduction
– Healthcare administration is a pertinent issue in healthcare service delivery.
– Non-clinical operations are fundamental for quality healthcare services.
– Healthcare administrative services manage and implement business management principles.
– Privacy concerns in the healthcare industry are challenging to healthcare institutions.
– The efficient management of healthcare services requires adherence to regulations.

II. Program Objective 1: Articulate theories and principles of health care management.
– Explore theories and principles of health care management relevant to healthcare administration.
– Discuss the application of management principles in healthcare administration.
– Analyze the impact of effective health care management on patient care and organizational outcomes.

III. Program Objective 2: Articulate management principles to functional areas of health care.
– Examine the application of management principles in different functional areas of healthcare.
– Discuss the role of healthcare administrators in overseeing and coordinating various healthcare activities.
– Analyze the importance of effective management in enhancing organizational efficiency and patient outcomes.

IV. Program Objective 3: Identify determinants and measurements of health and disease in epidemiology, public health, promotion of health, and disease prevention.
– Discuss the determinants of health and disease in epidemiology and public health.
– Examine the measures and tools used to assess health and disease trends.
– Analyze the role of healthcare administrators in promoting health and disease prevention.

V. Conclusion
– Summarize the importance of healthcare administration in managing non-clinical operations.
– Emphasize the significance of privacy regulations in healthcare institutions.
– Highlight the need for healthcare administrators to balance patient privacy and data sharing for system improvement.
– Provide an overview of the research findings related to program objectives.

Note: This outline provides a framework for the research related to program objectives 1-3 in the field of healthcare administration. The actual research content and details may vary depending on the specific focus and depth of the research.

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