CHE 300 – Methods & Materials Nursing Assignment Help

Provide information on your priority population and the health topic or issue that you selected in the first module. 

Continue to research your public health issue for your priority population. What are the main concerns or issues you want to address in your newsletter, based on the public health issue of your choice? For example, if you are focused on smoking cessation among employees at SNHU, you may realize a major concern is getting people to form new habits to replace smoking (e.g., taking a walk when feeling stressed or instead of a cigarette break, eating a healthy snack).

Include the one goal and the two SMART objectives for your topic and population of choice on which you received feedback from the small group activity. Defend your goal and SMART objectives: Why did you select them? Do you think they are feasible?

Submit your assignment here. Make sure you’ve included all the required elements by reviewing the guidelines and rubric.

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CHE 300 – Methods & Materials

Nursing Assignment Help

In order to address the public health issue of smoking cessation among employees at SNHU, the main concerns or issues that need to be addressed in the newsletter would include:

1. Motivating and encouraging employees to quit smoking: This would involve providing information on the harmful effects of smoking, the benefits of quitting, and strategies for quitting such as seeking support, setting a quit date, and finding alternative coping mechanisms.

2. Supporting behavior change and forming new habits: As mentioned in the content, one major concern is helping individuals form new habits to replace smoking. This could involve promoting activities such as taking a walk when feeling stressed, engaging in physical exercise, practicing deep breathing exercises, or finding healthy ways to manage cravings.

Additionally, it would be important to address any specific challenges or barriers that employees may face in their attempts to quit smoking. This could include addressing issues such as nicotine withdrawal symptoms, managing stress without cigarettes, or dealing with social situations where smoking is prevalent.

The goal for this topic and population could be: “To reduce the prevalence of smoking among employees at SNHU by 20% within one year.”

SMART objectives for this goal could be:

1. Specific: Increase the awareness of smoking’s harmful effects among employees by implementing a campus-wide anti-smoking campaign, including educational materials, workshops, and seminars.

2. Measurable: Conduct pre- and post-intervention surveys to assess the change in employees’ knowledge, attitudes, and behaviors towards smoking cessation.

3. Achievable: Collaborate with local smoking cessation programs and resources to provide easy access to support and assistance for employees who want to quit smoking.

4. Relevant: Tailor the intervention strategies and messaging to the specific needs and preferences of the SNHU employee population, considering factors such as age, gender, and socio-economic status.

5. Time-bound: Evaluate the progress of the intervention by assessing the change in smoking prevalence among employees at SNHU at six-month intervals.

These SMART objectives were selected because they address the main concerns and issues related to smoking cessation among employees at SNHU. They focus on increasing awareness, providing support, and evaluating the effectiveness of the intervention. Furthermore, they are feasible as they are specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound, allowing for the effective implementation and evaluation of the intervention.

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