Washington State University Nursing Development Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion Week 2
This week’s topic focused on caring and reflective practice in contemporary nursing.
In your initial response, provide a definition of what person-centred care means to you.
Describe how you will apply principles holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-
reflection in your future role as a nurse practitioner.  

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Washington State University Nursing Development Discussion

Nursing Assignment Help

Person-centred care is a core principle in healthcare that emphasizes the importance of tailoring care to meet the individual needs and preferences of patients. It involves understanding and respecting patients’ unique values, beliefs, and circumstances, and partnering with them to make informed decisions about their healthcare. Holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-reflection are key components that contribute to the delivery of person-centred care. In this answer, we will explore the personal understanding of person-centred care and how the principles of holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-reflection can be applied in the future role as a nurse practitioner.

To me, person-centred care means placing the individual at the center of their care and recognizing their uniqueness as a human being. It involves treating patients with respect, dignity, and empathy, and actively involving them in decisions regarding their health. Person-centred care is not just about addressing the physical ailments of patients but also taking into consideration their emotional, psychological, and social well-being.

As a future nurse practitioner, I will apply the principles of holistic nursing to provide person-centred care. Holistic nursing involves considering the whole person, including their physical, emotional, social, and spiritual dimensions. By taking a holistic approach, I will aim to understand the interconnectedness of these aspects and how they impact the health and well-being of patients. This will enable me to develop individualized care plans that address the unique needs and preferences of each patient.

Cultural humility is another important principle that I will incorporate into my practice. It involves recognizing and respecting the cultural beliefs, values, and practices of diverse patient populations. By adopting a humble and open attitude, I will seek to learn from and partner with patients from different cultural backgrounds, understanding that I cannot fully know or understand their experiences and perspectives. This will help me provide culturally competent care that respects and values the diversity of my patients.

Self-reflection will also be a fundamental aspect of my future role as a nurse practitioner. Through self-reflection, I will continuously assess my own biases, assumptions, and values, which may influence the care I provide. By engaging in regular self-reflection, I can identify areas for growth and effectively address any personal biases that may hinder the delivery of person-centred care. Additionally, self-reflection will allow me to learn from my clinical experiences, identify areas of improvement, and continuously strive for professional development.

By embracing the principles of holistic nursing, cultural humility, and self-reflection, I aim to provide person-centred care that meets the unique needs and preferences of each patient. This approach will empower patients to actively participate in their own healthcare journey and contribute to their overall well-being.

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