IIT Health Insurance US Canada UK and German Models Essay Nursing Assignment Help


In Module 3, we explained the various types of health insurance available in the U.S. with the pros and cons of each. We also described the differences in how healthcare is provided in other countries.

There are a variety of health insurance models in the U.S., each with advantages and disadvantages.   

Review these U.S. models and those found in Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. 

Describe how the U.S. models differ from those in other countries. 

Include the pros and cons of each of the models in the U.S. and Canada, Great Britain, and Germany.

Conclude with which of these systems you believe is best for consumers and healthcare providers and why.

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IIT Health Insurance US Canada UK and German Models Essay

Nursing Assignment Help

In this assignment, we will discuss the various types of health insurance models in the United States and compare them with those found in Canada, Great Britain, and Germany. We will examine the pros and cons of each model and explore the differences between the healthcare systems in these countries. Lastly, we will provide our opinion on which system is best for consumers and healthcare providers, along with the reasons supporting our choice.


The United States has several health insurance models, each with its own advantages and disadvantages. The most common models include fee-for-service, health maintenance organization (HMO), preferred provider organization (PPO), and high deductible health plans (HDHPs) with health savings accounts (HSAs).

Fee-for-service is a traditional model where healthcare providers are paid for each service rendered. This system offers flexibility in choosing providers and services but can result in high costs and limited control over the quality of care.

HMOs, on the other hand, require individuals to seek care within a network of providers and require referrals to see specialists. This model offers lower costs and comprehensive care coordination but can limit choices and result in longer wait times for certain services.

PPOs provide a balance between HMOs and fee-for-service models by offering a network of preferred providers and allowing individuals to see out-of-network providers at a higher cost. This model allows for more flexibility in choosing providers but can still result in high out-of-pocket expenses.

HDHPs with HSAs combine high deductible insurance plans with tax-advantaged savings accounts for healthcare expenses. This model encourages individuals to take more responsibility for their healthcare costs and provides potential tax benefits. However, it can be challenging for individuals with chronic conditions or low incomes to afford the high deductibles.

In Canada, healthcare is provided through a publicly-funded, single-payer system. This means that the government covers healthcare costs for all residents, and private insurance is limited to supplementary coverage. The pros of this system include universal access to care, reduced administrative costs, and the ability to negotiate lower drug prices. However, it can result in longer wait times for certain services and limited choice of providers.

Great Britain has a National Health Service (NHS), which also operates under a publicly-funded, single-payer system. The NHS provides comprehensive care, including primary, secondary, and tertiary healthcare services. Some advantages of this system are equitable access to care, lower cost per capita, and reduced administrative burden. However, long waiting times and potential service rationing can be drawbacks.

Germany has a multi-payer system, combining both statutory health insurance (SHI) and private health insurance (PHI). SHI is mandatory for most residents, while PHI is available for higher-income individuals and those who choose to opt-out of the SHI system. This model offers a wide choice of providers and services, shorter wait times, and high-quality care. However, administrative costs and inequalities in access to care based on income can be disadvantages.

In my opinion, the best system for consumers and healthcare providers is the German multi-payer system. It provides a balance between choice and affordability, allowing individuals to access a wide range of providers and services without compromising on quality. The combination of statutory health insurance and private health insurance offers flexibility and shorter wait times for care. Additionally, the emphasis on high-quality care ensures that both patients and providers are satisfied with the system.

In conclusion, the United States has various health insurance models, each with its own pros and cons. When comparing these models with those in Canada, Great Britain, and Germany, it becomes evident that each country has its own unique approach to healthcare provision. While the Canadian and British systems offer universal access to care, they can result in longer wait times and limited choice of providers. The German multi-payer system strikes a balance between choice, affordability, and high-quality care, making it the best option for consumers and healthcare providers.

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