assessing and diagnosing a patient in a case study who is experiencing a substance-related or addictive disorder Nursing Assignment Help

Choose from one these two training

Training Title 82
Name: Lisa Tremblay
Gender: female
Age: 33 years old
T- 100.0 P- 108 R 20 180/110 Ht 5’6 Wt 146lbs
Background: Lisa is in a Naples, FL detox facility thinking about long term rehab. She is
considering treatment for her Hep C+ but needs to get clean first. She has been abusing opiates,
approximately $100 daily. She admits to cannabis 1–2 times weekly (“I have a medical card”),
and 1/2 gallon of vodka daily. She has past drug paraphernalia possession arrest. Her admission
labs. abnormal for ALT 168 AST 200 ALK 250; bilirubin 2.5, albumin 3.0; her GGT is 59; UDS
positive for opiates, THC. Positive for alcohol or other drugs. BAL .308; other labs within
normal ranges. She reports sexual abuse as child ages 6-9 perpetrator being her father who went
to prison for the abuse and drug charges. She is estranged from him. Mother lives in Maine, hx
of agoraphobia and benzodiazepine abuse. Older brother has not contact with family in last 10
years, hx of opioid use. Sleeps 5-6 hrs., appetite decreased, prefers to get high instead of eating.
Allergies: azithromycin

Training Title 114
Name: Ally Chen
Gender: female
Age: 44 years old
Background: Only child, raised by parents in Philadelphia, PA. Has PhD in biology and master’s
degree in high school education (8–12). Her supervisor has asked the school EAP counselor to
intervene with concerns regarding potential substance use in effort to facilitate getting her help
and be able to retain her. She is divorced, has a 4-year-old son who lives with his father. Appetite
healthy, sleeping 9 hours/24 hrs., wakes 2-3 times during the night. Denied drug use. had DUI
when she was age 21.

How to solve

assessing and diagnosing a patient in a case study who is experiencing a substance-related or addictive disorder

Nursing Assignment Help


In this scenario, we are presented with two individuals who require intervention regarding potential substance abuse issues. This involves evaluating their backgrounds, identifying pertinent information, and determining appropriate courses of action. Let’s analyze each case individually and provide the necessary responses.


For Training Title 82, Lisa Tremblay’s case, it is crucial to prioritize addressing her substance abuse and helping her achieve sobriety before considering long-term rehab for her Hepatitis C. With Lisa’s substantial daily opiate abuse and alcohol dependency, it is evident that she requires immediate detoxification and treatment for addiction. Considering her admission labs, particularly the abnormal liver function results (elevated ALT, AST, ALK, bilirubin, and GGT), it is essential to address her Hepatitis C as part of her long-term treatment plan. Additionally, Lisa’s history of childhood sexual abuse, estrangement from her father, and family history of substance abuse should be taken into account when developing a comprehensive treatment approach. Incorporating therapy, counseling, and support groups alongside medical interventions will be crucial for Lisa’s recovery journey.

For Training Title 114, Ally Chen’s case, the concerns regarding potential substance use require further examination. While she denies drug use, her supervisor’s inquiry and referral to the school’s Employee Assistance Program (EAP) counselor suggest the presence of observable issues. As Ally Chen holds a PhD in biology and a master’s degree in high school education, her professional expertise must be considered in the approach to her intervention. Collaborating with the EAP counselor, it is important to conduct a comprehensive assessment and explore any underlying factors contributing to her supervisor’s concerns. This may involve addressing her divorce, her son’s living arrangements, and her history of DUI. By gathering further information and possibly involving Ally’s immediate support system, an appropriate action plan can be implemented to address and assist her effectively.

In conclusion, both Lisa Tremblay and Ally Chen require attention and intervention in relation to potential substance abuse issues. Providing individualized, multidisciplinary treatment strategies will greatly enhance their chances of successful recovery and positive long-term outcomes.

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