USC Contemporary Issues Position Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Choose a case from the AMA Journal of Ethics Case Index Links to an external site. and take a position. For this assignment you will evaluate the ethical arguments for or against the issue. Identify the potential legal arguments (consider current federal guidelines), indicate any potential professional code conflicts you foresee, and support your position with an explanation of your own ethical/moral foundation.

In your paper:

  • Identify the issue and state your ethical position.
  • How might this scenario play out or impact you in your role as a nurse practitioner? 
  • Defend your position with legal, ethical, and professional evidence.
  • As part of your position, propose strategies and solutions for addressing the issues.
  • What other ethical issues does this case bring to light, if any?

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USC Contemporary Issues Position Paper

Nursing Assignment Help

Introduction: In this assignment, I have chosen a case from the AMA Journal of Ethics Case Index in order to evaluate the ethical arguments for or against the issue. During the evaluation process, I will consider potential legal arguments based on current federal guidelines, identify any potential professional code conflicts, and provide support for my position by explaining my own ethical/moral foundation. Additionally, I will discuss the potential impact of the scenario on me in my role as a nurse practitioner, propose strategies and solutions for addressing the issues, and highlight any other ethical issues that the case may bring to light.


1. Identify the issue and state your ethical position:
The chosen case focuses on the controversial topic of physician-assisted suicide. As a medical professor, my ethical position is that physician-assisted suicide should be allowed under certain circumstances, such as when the patient is suffering from a terminal illness and has explicitly expressed the wish to end their life. I believe in the principle of patient autonomy and respecting their right to make informed decisions about their own lives, including the choice to seek assistance in dying.

2. How might this scenario play out or impact you in your role as a nurse practitioner?
In my role as a nurse practitioner, this scenario would have a significant impact on me. I might encounter patients who are facing unbearable suffering and who express a desire to end their lives. It becomes crucial for me to navigate the ethical and legal complexities surrounding physician-assisted suicide, while also providing the necessary support and care to these patients. I would need to engage in open and honest conversations, ensuring that I understand their reasons, respect their autonomy, and guide them through the various options available while considering the legal and ethical implications.

3. Defend your position with legal, ethical, and professional evidence:
From a legal standpoint, physician-assisted suicide is currently legal in a few jurisdictions, demonstrating a recognition of patient autonomy and the right to make decisions about one’s own body and life. Ethically, the principle of autonomy, which emphasizes an individual’s right to self-determination and control over their own life, supports the case for physician-assisted suicide. Numerous professional organizations, such as the American Medical Association and the American Nurses Association, have recognized the importance of patient autonomy and have developed guidelines to help medical professionals navigate this complex issue.

4. Propose strategies and solutions for addressing the issues:
To address the issue of physician-assisted suicide, it is important to establish clear guidelines and protocols that ensure proper assessment of patients’ eligibility, protection of vulnerable populations, and comprehensive support systems for patients, families, and healthcare providers involved. Implementing mandatory consultations with mental health professionals and multiple medical opinions can help safeguard against potential abuses. Additionally, healthcare professionals should undergo specific training and education programs to ensure they have the knowledge and skills necessary to deal with end-of-life discussions and provide compassionate care during this sensitive process.

5. What other ethical issues does this case bring to light, if any?
This case raises several other ethical issues, such as the potential for conflicts between the healthcare provider’s personal beliefs and the patient’s autonomy. It also highlights the importance of ensuring equal access to end-of-life options, considering social, cultural, and economic factors that may influence an individual’s ability to exercise their right to physician-assisted suicide. Furthermore, the case prompts discussions about the role of medical professionals in facilitating a peaceful and dignified death, emphasizing the need for ongoing dialogue and deliberation within the medical community and broader society.

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