SEU Food preservation Disscusion Nursing Assignment Help

How does food preservation help the community? Give at least two references to support your answer.


  • The purpose of this activity is to demonstrate the interpersonal skills by responding to discussion questions and the posts of the classmates.

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Read your classmates’ answers and post at least two replies by the end of week 9.

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SEU Food preservation Disscusion

Nursing Assignment Help

Introduction: Food preservation is essential for the overall well-being of a community. It ensures the availability and accessibility of safe and nutritious food, especially during times of scarcity and emergencies. Additionally, food preservation techniques contribute to reducing food waste, promoting economic stability, and supporting sustainable agricultural practices.


Food preservation benefits the community in multiple ways:

1. Food Security: Food preservation techniques such as canning, drying, and freezing help in extending the shelf life of perishable foods. This ensures that a variety of nutritious and safe food is available throughout the year, even during periods of crop failure or natural disasters. By minimizing food spoilage and loss, food preservation plays a vital role in improving food security within the community (Desobry et al., 2018).

2. Economic Stability: Food preservation helps maintain price stability and availability of food in the market. When food is preserved, surplus produce can be stored and used during off-seasons, reducing dependence on imported food and minimizing price fluctuations. This stability helps in supporting local farmers, businesses, and the overall economic growth of the community (Kaplan & Daglioglu, 2018).

Desobry, S., Hardy, J., Fustier, P., Oulahal, N., & CIAA (2018). Importance of Food Preservation. In Encyclopedia of Food Chemistry (pp. 346-353).

Kaplan, C. M., & Daglioglu, H. E. (2018). Economic Impact of Food Supply Chain and Preservation Methods on Food Security (pp. 79-105). In Recent Advances in Food Security and Safety.

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