MHA 500 American Military University Integrity Key Players Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical discussion question and need the explanation and answer to help me learn.

The U.S. health care system is unique in comparison to health care systems in other industrialized countries. According to the Commonwealth Fund Analysis (2017), the United States ranks 11 in overall health care system performance. For the Module 1 Discussion, view the chart with rankings by the Commonwealth Fund (link below) and choose two countries from the noted list. Research each country’s health care system and compare and discuss three differences within each system, compared with the United States delivery system. Based on your findings, discuss two recommendations that may be useful for adoption by the United States for improvement. 

Review the rankings of health systems.


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MHA 500 American Military University Integrity Key Players Discussion

Nursing Assignment Help

In comparing the U.S. health care system to those of other industrialized countries, it is important to understand the unique factors that contribute to its performance rankings. According to the Commonwealth Fund Analysis (2017), the United States ranks 11th in overall health care system performance. This module’s discussion question requires us to select two countries from the provided list, research their health care systems, and identify three differences observable in each system when compared to the United States delivery system. Additionally, based on our findings, we are expected to propose two recommendations that could potentially enhance the U.S. health care system. Let’s delve into the details and examine the various aspects of these health care systems.


Country 1: Germany
1. Universal Health Coverage: One notable difference in the German health care system is the presence of universal health coverage, which ensures that every individual residing in Germany has access to a wide range of medical services and treatments. This contrasts with the United States, where a significant proportion of the population lacks health insurance coverage or faces difficulty accessing affordable care.

2. Strong Primary Care System: Germany places substantial emphasis on primary care, and this is reflected in the high number of primary care physicians and the accessibility of basic health care services. The United States, unfortunately, struggles with a shortage of primary care providers, leading to potential delays in obtaining necessary medical attention and an overreliance on expensive specialty care.

3. Coordinated Care: The German system emphasizes coordinated care through regional associations of physicians, known as “Kassenärztliche Vereinigungen.” These associations facilitate the integration of care across different health care providers and ensure continuity and effective communication between physicians involved in a patient’s treatment. In the United States, the fragmented nature of the health care system often leads to challenges in continuity of care and coordination among the different providers involved in a patient’s care.

Country 2: Canada
1. Single-Payer System: Canada’s health care system is predominantly funded by the government through taxation, with all citizens having access to medical services under the principle of universal health coverage. This differs from the United States, where multiple private insurance providers are involved, resulting in a complex payment system and variations in the level of coverage and affordability.

2. Lower Administrative Costs: Unlike the United States, which expends a substantial portion of healthcare expenditure on administrative costs related to insurance billing and processes, Canada benefits from a single-payer system that reduces administrative complexities and leads to lower administrative costs. This allows for a greater allocation of resources to patient care in Canada.

3. Drug Price Negotiation: In Canada, the government negotiates drug prices with pharmaceutical companies, resulting in lower prescription medication costs for Canadians. In contrast, the United States lacks a centralized negotiation system for drug prices, leading to significantly higher prices for many prescription medications.

Recommendation 1: Universal Health Coverage
Drawing from Germany and Canada’s models, the United States could consider adopting a universal health coverage system. This would ensure that all individuals have equitable access to necessary health care services, reducing the financial barriers and health disparities present in the current system.

Recommendation 2: Increased Emphasis on Primary Care
Expanding the primary care workforce and incentivizing medical graduates to pursue careers in primary care could enhance the accessibility and affordability of essential health services. By prioritizing preventive care and early intervention through a robust primary care system, the United States could potentially improve health outcomes while reducing the burden on the more expensive specialty care sector.

In conclusion, analyzing the health care systems of Germany and Canada in comparison to that of the United States provides insights into different approaches to delivering health care. By considering the strengths of these systems, such as universal coverage, strong primary care, coordinated care, and government-driven negotiation of drug prices, the United States can identify potential recommendations for improving its own health care system.

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