CSN Healthcare Discussion Nursing Assignment Help

Questions to answer:

? Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?

? Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and


? Which ethical theory (Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue

Ethics; and Social Contract) would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? Why

does this theory work?

o Present the evidence both pro and con and follow up how using your ethical

theory is the best way to determine whether or not your stance is really ethical

? What are the key points of contention on this topic?

? What side of the argument (stance) do you take on this topic?

? What strong points does the other side of this topic have?

? What were the three most important things you took away from the topic?

? Conclusion – any final thoughts and opinions would go here.

How to solve

CSN Healthcare Discussion

Nursing Assignment Help

Introduction: As a medical professor responsible for creating assignments and evaluating student performance, I strive to ensure that ethical considerations are incorporated into our curriculum. In this assignment, we will address an ethical issue and explore different ethical theories to analyze the problem and determine the most ethical response.

1. Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
As an educator, I am committed to fostering a learning environment that promotes ethical decision-making and empathy towards patients. It is essential to address ethical dilemmas and equip future healthcare professionals with the necessary skills to navigate such situations. By discussing and reflecting upon ethical issues, students develop critical thinking and ethical reasoning skills that will guide their professional practice.

2. Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you think is the most ethical and why?
In the given scenario, response B, which emphasizes the importance of respecting patient autonomy, is the most ethical choice. Respecting patient autonomy aligns with core ethical principles and values, allowing patients to make informed decisions about their own healthcare. It recognizes the rights and dignity of individuals and promotes shared decision-making between healthcare professionals and patients.

3. Which ethical theory would you apply to this topic to defend your stance? Why does this theory work?
To defend the chosen stance, the ethical theory of Care Ethics can be applied. Care Ethics emphasizes the significance of interpersonal relationships, compassion, and empathy. By prioritizing the patient’s well-being and autonomy, healthcare professionals can deliver personalized, patient-centered care. Care Ethics emphasizes the importance of empathy towards patients, as well as a commitment to fostering trust and understanding within the healthcare relationship.

Supporting this stance using Care Ethics, we can present evidence demonstrating how this theory promotes patient satisfaction, adherence to treatment plans, and improved health outcomes. Additionally, incorporating Care Ethics into medical education can help address power imbalances and encourage compassionate care, which has been shown to positively impact patient experiences.

4. What are the key points of contention on this topic?
The key points of contention on this topic include the balance between respect for patient autonomy and the challenges healthcare professionals might face when dealing with patient preferences that may conflict with evidence-based medicine. Additionally, the potential for overemphasis on autonomy may lead to patient decision-making influenced by misinformation or biases, which could compromise patient health and well-being.

5. What side of the argument (stance) do you take on this topic?
I take the stance that respecting patient autonomy and promoting shared decision-making should be prioritized in healthcare. This approach acknowledges the patient as an autonomous individual with the right to make decisions about their own health. It recognizes the importance of informed consent, patient preferences, and a collaborative approach that fosters a sense of shared responsibility between healthcare professionals and patients.

6. What strong points does the other side of this topic have?
The opposing side of this topic might argue that healthcare professionals should prioritize evidence-based medicine over patient preferences to ensure optimal outcomes. They might also argue that patients may lack the necessary knowledge or understanding to make fully informed decisions, necessitating a more paternalistic approach. Additionally, they may highlight the importance of healthcare professionals’ expertise in guiding patients towards the best course of action.

7. What were the three most important things you took away from the topic?
From this topic, three key takeaways include:
– The significance of patient autonomy and shared decision-making in healthcare.
– The ethical challenges healthcare professionals face when balancing patient preferences and evidence-based medicine.
– The value of incorporating empathetic and compassionate care into medical practice.

Ethical considerations are crucial in medical education. By exploring different ethical theories and engaging in discussions about ethical dilemmas, students develop the necessary skills to navigate complex situations. Respecting patient autonomy, prioritizing shared decision-making, and incorporating empathy and compassion into healthcare practice are critical elements in providing ethical patient care.

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