SNHU Addressing Nursing Shortages in the Healthcare Industry Research Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Using the topic Nursing shortages and the introduction paper.

For Milestone Two, submit a draft of your proposal needs assessment. You should include a statement of need that allows the reader to learn more about your selected issue, presents evidence that supports the need for your program, and demonstrates that your organization understands the need and can address the issue. If the issue involves a specific affected population(s), such as employees or patients, be sure to identify that population’s specific needs. Using what you learned about management theories in Module Two, discuss specific management theories that guided your identification of the issue.

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SNHU Addressing Nursing Shortages in the Healthcare Industry Research Paper

Nursing Assignment Help

The topic of nursing shortages is a critical issue in the healthcare field that needs to be addressed effectively. In this proposal needs assessment, we will examine the necessity for a program to tackle the nursing shortage, present evidence supporting the need for the program, and demonstrate our organization’s understanding of the issue and our ability to address it. Additionally, we will discuss management theories that have guided the identification of this issue.

Statement of need:
The shortage of nurses has become a pressing concern in the healthcare industry. The demand for healthcare services continues to rise due to population growth, an aging population, and the increasing complexity of medical treatments. However, the supply of qualified nurses is unable to keep pace with this demand, leading to numerous adverse effects on healthcare organizations, patients, and the overall quality of care provided.

Evidence supporting the need for the program:
Multiple studies and reports have consistently highlighted the nursing shortage as a significant issue facing healthcare organizations. The American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) projected that by the year 2022, the United States will experience a shortage of registered nurses ranging from 345,000 to 1.2 million. This shortage directly impacts patient care, as studies have shown that nurse staffing levels significantly affect patient outcomes such as mortality rates, infection rates, and length of hospital stays.

Understanding the need and addressing the issue:
Our organization recognizes the need for a comprehensive program to address the nursing shortage. We understand that to combat the shortage effectively, a multifold approach is required, including initiatives to attract more individuals to the nursing profession, retain current nurses, and provide ongoing professional development opportunities. By investing in recruitment efforts, enhancing workplace conditions, and promoting career advancement opportunities, we aim to alleviate the strain on healthcare organizations and improve patient outcomes.

Specific needs of affected populations:
The nursing shortage has a direct impact on both healthcare employees and patients. Employees face increased workloads, burnout, and reduced job satisfaction due to inadequate staffing levels. Patients may experience delayed care, longer wait times, and compromised quality of care. It is crucial to address these specific needs by ensuring adequate nurse-patient ratios, implementing supportive policies and practices, and providing resources for employee well-being.

Management theories guiding the identification of the issue:
Several management theories have influenced our identification of the nursing shortage issue. One such theory is the Human Resources Management theory, which emphasizes the importance of effective human resource planning, recruitment, and retention strategies. Understanding the need for an adequate nursing workforce and implementing strategies to attract and retain qualified nurses aligns with this theory.

Another relevant theory is the Systems Theory, which recognizes that healthcare organizations operate as complex systems with interconnected components. The nursing shortage is a systemic issue that requires a holistic approach, considering multiple factors such as workforce planning, educational programs, and policy changes. By viewing the nursing shortage through a systems perspective, we can identify the underlying causes and develop comprehensive solutions.

In conclusion, the nursing shortage is a critical issue that necessitates the implementation of a program to address it. The evidence supporting the need for such a program is substantial, and our organization understands the specific needs of both the affected populations and the healthcare industry at large. By employing management theories such as Human Resources Management and Systems Theory, we can identify strategic approaches to tackle the nursing shortage effectively.

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