Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare Legislation Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Select a quality topic in healthcare from the list below. Prepare a summary document using the table format below. The table should be single spaced and no more than 3-4 pages in length (11 to 12 point font). Except in the case of titles, use complete sentences, i.e., write using narrative format. Include a cover page and a list of references (this is separate from the summary pages).

Select from the following quality topics. NOTE: If there is another related topic that you would like to write on, please get approval from your Professor.

  1. Medical Errors
  2. Quality and Disparities
  3. Patient Safety
  4. Quality/Core Measures
  5. Value-based Purchasing
  6. Pay for Performance (P4P)

HGMT420 Quality Topic Research Summary

Student Name

Type your name here.

Quality Topic

Provide the name of the quality topic chosen.

Quality Topic Description

Provide a detailed description and origins of the quality topic chosen. Indicate in detail who is affected (and how) by this topic (healthcare providers, patients, healthcare organizations, etc.).


Research legislation and/or policies related to the quality topic chosen. Provide a detailed description of the policies/legislation. Describe the scope of the legislation and how it impacts the organization, providers, and patients.


Research Regulatory Agencies that implement policies and enforce legislation related to the quality topic chosen. Discuss in detail at least three (3).


Indicate any upcoming changes, regulations, etc. that will impact the quality topic chosen. What does the future hold for this issue? How should healthcare leaders manage this issue in their organizations?

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Patient Safety and Quality in Healthcare Legislation Paper Nursing Assignment Help

Summary Document: Quality Topic Research

HGMT420 Quality Topic Research Summary

Student Name: [Student’s Name]

Quality Topic: [Chosen Quality Topic]

Quality Topic Description:
The chosen quality topic is [insert quality topic]. This topic focuses on [provide a detailed description of the quality topic, including its origins]. It is important to highlight that [explain who is affected by this topic, such as healthcare providers, patients, healthcare organizations, etc., and how they are impacted].

In researching legislation and policies related to the chosen quality topic, it has been found that [describe the specific policies or legislation]. These policies aim to [explain the objectives and scope of the legislation]. The legislation significantly impacts [identify and discuss how it affects healthcare organizations, providers, and patients].

Several regulatory agencies are involved in implementing the policies and enforcing legislation related to the quality topic chosen. Three prominent regulatory agencies are [list and discuss three relevant regulatory agencies]. These agencies play a crucial role in [explain their responsibilities and how they contribute to ensuring quality in healthcare related to the chosen topic].

As we look towards the future, there are anticipated changes, regulations, and advancements that will impact the quality topic chosen. It is important for healthcare leaders to stay updated on these changes and understand the implications they might have on their organizations. To effectively manage this issue, healthcare leaders should [provide suggestions and strategies for healthcare leaders to manage the chosen quality topic in their organizations].

[List the references used for the research and analysis of the quality topic, legislation, and regulatory agencies.]

Note: This summary document provides an overview of the quality topic and its relevant aspects. Further research and analysis may be necessary for a comprehensive understanding of the chosen quality topic.

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