MSN 507 Unit 8 Topic 1 Nursing Assignment Help

Discussion Topic 1: Genomics and Genetics

Differentiate between genetics and genomics. Articulate how nurses can be involved in policy making in the field of genomics. How can research in the field be tied to practice? Identify organizations that are open to nurses in the field of genomics.

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MSN 507 Unit 8 Topic 1 Nursing Assignment Help

In the field of medicine, understanding the concepts of genetics and genomics is essential for healthcare professionals. This knowledge enables them to provide individualized patient care and contribute to policy-making decisions in the field of genomics. This discussion will differentiate between genetics and genomics, elaborate on the involvement of nurses in policy-making related to genomics, outline the significance of research in connecting genomics with practice, and highlight organizations that support nurses in the field of genomics.

Differentiation between genetics and genomics:
Genetics refers to the study of single genes and their effects on inherited traits and diseases. It primarily focuses on the principles of heredity and the analysis of genes on a molecular level. On the other hand, genomics goes beyond studying individual genes and encompasses the analysis of the entire genome, including the interactions between genes and the environment. Genomics aims to understand how genetic information contributes to health and disease at a broader scale, considering all the genes and their interactions.

Nurses’ involvement in policy-making in genomics:
Nurses play a crucial role in policy-making related to genomics due to their unique position as patient advocates and healthcare professionals with direct patient interactions. Their involvement in policy-making can occur at various levels, including local, national, and international. Nurses can actively participate in professional organizations and committees that contribute to the development and implementation of genomic policies. Additionally, nursing associations can facilitate the integration of genomic competencies into nursing education, ensuring that future nurses are equipped to provide genomic-informed care. By engaging in policy-making, nurses can advocate for the integration of genomics in healthcare systems, improving patient outcomes and healthcare delivery.

Integration of research in genomics with practice:
Research in the field of genomics is vital for translating scientific discoveries into clinical practice. It provides evidence-based insights into the prevention, diagnosis, and treatment of genetic disorders. Integrating research findings in practice allows healthcare professionals, including nurses, to deliver individualized care based on patients’ genetic information. This integration involves using genetic tests to identify individuals at risk, tailoring treatment plans to target specific genetic variants, and providing genetic counseling to patients and their families. By applying genomic research in practice, healthcare professionals can enhance patient outcomes, optimize treatment strategies, and minimize adverse events.

Organizations supporting nurses in genomics:
Several organizations actively support nurses in the field of genomics. The National Coalition for Health Professional Education in Genetics (NCHPEG) provides resources and education to healthcare professionals, including nurses, to enhance their understanding of genomics and enable them to integrate this knowledge into practice. The American Nurses Association (ANA) promotes the inclusion of genomics in nursing education and advocates for policy changes related to genomics. The International Society of Nurses in Genetics (ISONG) offers networking opportunities, education, and support for nurses interested in genetics and genomics. These organizations empower nurses to stay updated with advancements in genomics, collaborate with interdisciplinary teams, and contribute to shaping policies and practices in this rapidly evolving field.

1. Berg, J. S., Khoury, M. J., & Evans, J. P. (2011). Deploying genomic medicine in practice: What will the future bring? Genetics in Medicine, 13(9), 778–784.
2. Greally, J. M., & Niedzialkowska, E. (2017). Genomic medicine: Models and projects. Methods in Molecular Biology, 1551, 1–6.
3. Madlensky, L., Trepanier, A. M., Cragun, D., Lerner, B., Shannon, K. M., & Zierhut, H. (2017). A rapid review of portable high-throughput sequencing tools for cancer screening. JNCI Cancer Spectrum, 1(1), pkx004.

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