hlt mgn capstone Nursing Assignment Help

Health Information Technology and Patient-Centered Care

Review the contents from Module 5-8. Submit a final paper to analyze how health information systems can improve patient-centered care. Relate the topics to your own experiences. Use at least 3 additional academic references. Your paper should be at least 1000 words, using APA style formatting. Include the following topics in your paper.

  1. How can the health information technologies (e.g., CPOE, telehealth, and telemedicine) be used for improving patient participation and promoting patient empowerment?
  2. How can these technologies be applied for reducing medical errors and adverse events, and promoting personalized medicine?
  3. What are the barriers and challenges of implementing these technologies? What are the strategies to overcome these barriers and meet the challenges?

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hlt mgn capstone Nursing Assignment Help

The use of health information technology has become increasingly important in recent years for improving patient-centered care. This has inspired the creation of an assignment that requires analyzing the role of health information systems in enhancing patient participation, reducing medical errors, and overcoming the barriers in implementing these technologies. In this paper, we will review the contents from Module 5-8 and provide answers to each question as follows:


1. The use of health information technologies such as Computerized Physician Order Entry (CPOE), telehealth, and telemedicine can be instrumental in improving patient participation and promoting patient empowerment. Firstly, CPOE provides physicians with the ability to electronically prescribe medications, thus reducing the chances of prescription errors and facilitating patient safety. Additionally, telehealth and telemedicine technologies enable patients to consult and communicate with healthcare professionals remotely, which is especially beneficial for patients with mobility issues or those who live in remote areas. This fosters patient participation, enhances access to care, and promotes personalized healthcare.

2. The health information technologies mentioned above can be applied to reduce medical errors and adverse events and promote personalized medicine. Personalized medicine involves utilizing patient-specific data to deliver targeted care, which can be achieved through health information systems. For instance, CPOE can alert physicians of contraindications, allergies, and other factors that could impact a patient’s treatment plan, thus reducing the likelihood of medical errors. Moreover, telehealth and telemedicine options increase access to healthcare, ensuring that patients receive timely and personalized medical attention, which can improve health outcomes.

3. Despite the numerous benefits that health information technologies provide, several barriers and challenges exist in implementing them. Firstly, there is a significant cost to integrate, maintain, and support these technologies. This is particularly concerning for healthcare institutions with limited resources. Additionally, the training required for healthcare professionals to operate these technologies can be extensive, further straining resources. Moreover, integrating these technologies into existing healthcare systems takes time and effort, which may not be readily available. Strategies to overcome these barriers and challenges involve engaging stakeholders such as healthcare professionals and patients in the implementation process. This can help identify any concerns they may have and provide opportunities for training and support. Moreover, identifying sources of funding and prioritizing the integration of these technologies can help mitigate the financial barriers.

In conclusion, health information technologies play a significant role in improving patient-centered care and promoting personalized medicine. While integrating these technologies in healthcare systems poses certain challenges, developing strategies that prioritize training and support for healthcare professionals, engaging stakeholders, and seeking sources of funding can help surmount these difficulties. Ultimately, health information technologies provide a pathway toward more accessible, accurate, and personalized healthcare, which is fundamental for improving patient outcomes and quality of life.

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