You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to t Nursing Assignment Help

You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to the questions posed in the discussion question. You should research your answer and cite at least one scholarly source when appropriate, and always use quality writing. The discussion board is never a place to use text language or emoticons. You will also be asked to respond to your classmates. This is designed to enhance the academic discussion around the topic. It is all right to disagree with something posted by another, however your responses should always be thoughtful and respectful and reflect your opinions professionally.

Discussion Question:

Have you ever worked with someone who caused problems with you or others? (Explain how the problem manifested itself and how it was managed).

What are the common signs of bullying in nursing?

What are common stressors in the nursing workplace? What are some strategies to manage personal and professional stress?

Your initial posting should be at least 400 words in length and utilize at least one scholarly source other than the textbook. Please reply to at least two classmates. Replies to classmates should be at least 200 words in length. 

DQ1 UMBO – 1, 2, 3DQ1 PLG – 1, 6DQ1 CLO – 2, 3

When you are ready for the discussion, do the following:

  1. Click on the discussion link above.
  2. Start your answer by clicking “Start a New Thread” button with the title of your answer and the body of text following the guidance above.
  3. To properly post your answer, please click on the “Post” button.
  4. After posting your contribution, read what others have posted, reply to at least two of those posts, and respond (when appropriate) to those who have responded to you.

To reply to a classmate’s post:

  1. Click on the title of another student’s post.
  2. Click “Reply to Thread” and type your response to the student.
  3. Click the “Post” button to post your reply.

How to Solve You are responsible for minimally at least 3 posts for each question in your discussion boards; your initial post and reply to two of your classmates. Your initial post(s) should be your response to t Nursing Assignment Help


In the medical field, it can be common to encounter difficult colleagues and stressful situations. As a medical professor, it is important to prepare students for the challenges they may face in the workplace. In this discussion, we will explore common issues in nursing such as bullying, stressors, and how to manage them.

1. Have you ever worked with someone who caused problems with you or others? (Explain how the problem manifested itself and how it was managed).

Working with difficult colleagues can be challenging, but it is a common occurrence in the medical field. In my experience, I once worked with a colleague who would constantly belittle and demean me in front of other staff members. This colleague would also refuse to cooperate with me on certain tasks, which created tension and made it difficult for us to do our jobs effectively.

To manage the problem, I first addressed my colleague’s behavior with them directly, explaining how their actions were impacting both of our work and our coworkers. When this did not improve the situation, I went to our supervisor and explained the situation to them. Our supervisor then facilitated a mediation session, where we were able to work out our differences and find common ground.

2. What are the common signs of bullying in nursing?

Bullying in nursing can take many different forms, and it is important to be aware of the signs in order to address the issue effectively. Common signs of bullying in nursing include verbal abuse, intimidation, exclusion from workplace activities or discussions, and unfair treatment or workload distribution. It is important to note that bullying can also be subtle, such as passive-aggressive comments or actions, so it is important to be aware of these more nuanced behaviors as well.

3. What are common stressors in the nursing workplace? What are some strategies to manage personal and professional stress?

Common stressors in the nursing workplace include heavy workloads, long working hours, patient suffering and death, and conflict with coworkers. To manage personal and professional stress, it is important to first prioritize self-care. Engaging in regular exercise, healthy eating habits, and practicing relaxation techniques such as meditation or yoga can be helpful. Additionally, developing a support system of coworkers, family, and friends can provide a safe space to discuss challenging situations and receive emotional support. Seeking counseling or therapy may also be helpful in managing ongoing stress. In the workplace, it is important to prioritize effective communication, teamwork, and creating a positive work environment to reduce stress and improve overall morale.

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