HMIS Questions, health and medicine homework help


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  • Chapter 8 – Health Management Strategic Information System Planning/Information Requirements (pg 165-190) Chapter Questions Page 188, #1, 2, 4, Questions/Comments

8-1. Describe the different organizational structures. Given your answer, how would the input be different if 98% of the patients are participants in a managed healthcare program?

8-2. Develop a matrix, and list the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the organization structures as presented in the chapter.

8-4. Using the objective “A bar-scanning mechanism that includes the patient, all hospital personnel that treat the patient, and the prescribed/administered service will be implemented within 1 year,” develop for tactics for this objective as demonstrated in the strategic planning focus in Exhibit 8.1.

* Models we learned:

The planning, organizing, directing, and controlling model – (PODC)

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As a medical professor in charge of creating college assignments and answers for medical college students, it is important to understand and teach the different organizational structures and health management strategic information systems planning. In this assignment, we will answer questions based on Chapter 8 of the course book.

8-1. Describe the different organizational structures. Given your answer, how would the input be different if 98% of the patients are participants in a managed healthcare program?

There are several organizational structures in healthcare, including hierarchical, flat, matrix, and virtual structures. Hierarchical structures have a top-down approach where management has complete control over the organization. Flat structures are decentralized and have less bureaucracy. Matrix structures involve cross-functional teams working together. Virtual structures have no physical presence and use technology to connect employees together. If 98% of patients are participants in a managed healthcare program, it may require more communication and collaboration within the organization to ensure effective management of patient care and claims.

8-2. Develop a matrix, and list the advantages and disadvantages of using each of the organization structures as presented in the chapter.

| Organizational Structure | Advantages | Disadvantages |
| — | — | — |
| Hierarchical | Clear chain of command, stability, defined roles and responsibilities | Slow decision-making, communication issues |
| Flat | Quick decision-making, flexibility, employee empowerment | Lack of structure, unclear roles and responsibilities |
| Matrix | Cross-functional collaboration, efficient use of resources | Conflicting priorities, difficult to manage |
| Virtual | Flexible work environment, reduced overhead costs | Lack of face-to-face interaction, potential for miscommunication |

8-4. Using the objective “A bar-scanning mechanism that includes the patient, all hospital personnel that treat the patient, and the prescribed/administered service will be implemented within 1 year,” develop tactics for this objective as demonstrated in the strategic planning focus in Exhibit 8.1.

Tactics for implementing the bar-scanning mechanism could include:
1. Conducting a feasibility study to identify potential challenges and solutions
2. Identifying and engaging stakeholders such as patients, hospital personnel, and vendors
3. Developing a project plan and timeline
4. Training hospital personnel on the new system
5. Implementing the new system in phases to ensure a smooth transition
6. Conducting regular evaluations and audits to ensure the system is working effectively.

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