Applying Epidemiology

Epidemiology is the study of epidemics. More specifically, it is the
study of the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Using any
of the epidemiological techniques outlined in the chapters from this
week’s reading, address the questions for one of the case studies
outlined below.

There are two parts to this assignment:

Part I: Provide a brief statement of the investigative
issue. Describe the epidemiological steps you would take by addressing
the questions asked within the case study you select.

Part II: Address the questions noted at the end of your
selected case study. Your paper should be at least four pages in
length, but can exceed this depending on how much detail you provide on
the epidemiological steps you take for your case. You should use at
least one additional scholarly source in addition to the textbook.
Format your paper and all citations according to APA style guidelines as
outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Carefully review the Grading Rubric for the criteria that will be used to evaluate your assignment.

For the assignment due on day 7, you are to select one of the case assignments
found under the Week 2 assignment tab.  With this assignment, instead
of writing a paper, you may copy each question and provide your response
below each question.  The assignment should be completed in a MS Word
document.  As a reminder, there is a Part I and a Part II.

You should use at least one additional scholarly source in addition to
the textbook. Format your paper and all citations according to APA style
guidelines as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

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Introduction: Epidemiology is a crucial field of study in health care as it addresses the occurrence and distribution of health problems. Epidemiological techniques are essential in investigating and managing epidemics. The following are answers to the content provided on the medical college student’s assignment.

Answer: Part I
The investigative issue in Epidemiological Case #2: Norovirus in Vermont is an outbreak of norovirus among students in a Vermont school. The epidemiological steps that I would take to investigate the outbreak include:

1. Define the problem: Identify the symptoms and characteristics of the disease. In this case, norovirus causes vomiting, diarrhea, and fever.

2. Gather data: Collect data from various sources such as the school health center, interviews with the affected students and their families, and hospital records.

3. Determine the source and confirm diagnosis: Trace the origin of the infection and establish a laboratory confirmation of the diagnosis.

4. Develop and test hypotheses: Develop several possible hypotheses and test each one to find the most plausible cause of the outbreak.

5. Implement control measures and evaluate the results: Control and prevent further spread of the outbreak.

Answer: Part II
1. What were the most likely causes of the outbreak?
The most likely cause of the norovirus outbreak was through human-to-human transmission from the initial infected student to other students.

2. What steps could have been taken to prevent the outbreak?
The school could have taken steps to prevent the outbreak by increasing hygiene measures such as handwashing and sanitization. The school could also have isolated the affected students to prevent the spread of the norovirus.

3. What steps could have been taken to contain the outbreak once it occurred?
To contain the outbreak, the school could have identified and isolated the affected students and their close contacts. The school could also have shut down for a few days to allow for cleaning and sanitization.

4. What role does the hospital play?
The hospital plays a crucial role in confirming the diagnosis of norovirus and treating the more severe cases. The hospital staff should also report any suspected cases to the public health department.

5. What are the short-term and long-term health effects of norovirus?
The short-term effects of norovirus include vomiting, diarrhea, and fever. The long-term effects include dehydration and malnutrition, especially if left untreated.

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