West Coast University Infetious Paper

This week, you will write a paper referencing John Snow’s role in the history of infectious disease epidemiology.

Recall the relevant events in London during 1854, the map Snow created, and his findings from his investigation of the cholera outbreak.

Write a 2- to 3-page paper in which you answer the following questions:

  • What did Snow do to determine the source of the London cholera outbreak in 1854?
  • How would you have applied John Snow’s process if you had been a health official involved with the Disneyland measles outbreak in 2014–2015?
  • What type of precautions would you recommend public health officials use to curb the spread of measles in the future?

Include evidence or information from at least one credible external source and follow APA style for formatting and citation.

Your textbook and supplemental reading material may be used as a reference. The APA format for your text is as follows:
Nelson, K. E. (2014). Infectious disease epidemiology (3rd ed.). Burlington, MA: Jones and Bartlett Learning.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. (2011). Principles of epidemiology in public health practice: Self-study course (3rd ed.). Atlanta, GA: U.S. Department of Health and Human Services.

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John Snow is an important figure in the history of infectious disease epidemiology. His work with the cholera outbreak in London in 1854 has influenced the field of epidemiology to this day. In this paper, we will be discussing Snow’s methodology, as well as how it applies to a more recent outbreak of measles in 2014-2015 and future recommendations for public health officials.

1. What did Snow do to determine the source of the London cholera outbreak in 1854?
John Snow’s investigation of the cholera outbreak in London in 1854 was marked by a number of key actions that have helped shape the field of epidemiology to this day. Some of the things Snow did to determine the source of the outbreak include:
– Collecting data on where victims lived and where they obtained their water supply
– Mapping the distribution of cholera cases in London
– Noting that the majority of cases were clustered around a single water pump, located on Broad Street
– Using this information to convince local authorities to remove the handle from the Broad Street pump, effectively shutting it down and halting the spread of cholera

2. How would you have applied John Snow’s process if you had been a health official involved with the Disneyland measles outbreak in 2014-2015?
In the case of the Disneyland measles outbreak in 2014-2015, a similar approach could have been taken to identify the source of the outbreak and take steps to prevent further spread. Health officials could have:
– Collected data on the location and demographics of measles cases
– Conducted interviews with those affected to determine where they had visited and who they had come into contact with
– Analyzed any genetic data to determine the origin of the measles virus
– Used this information to prevent further spread of the virus through vaccination campaigns, temporary closures of affected areas, and contact tracing

3. What type of precautions would you recommend public health officials use to curb the spread of measles in the future?
In order to curb the spread of measles in the future, public health officials should consider the following precautions:
– Encouraging vaccination of all individuals at risk of contracting measles
– Conducting public education campaigns to increase awareness and understanding of the risk of measles and the importance of vaccination
– Encouraging schools and other public institutions to require proof of vaccination for attendance or employment
– Implementing measures to quickly identify and respond to any outbreaks, including contact tracing and vaccination campaigns in affected areas
– Conducting ongoing surveillance and monitoring of measles cases to stay ahead of potential outbreaks.

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